Gifford Lectures
Seit 1888, unterbrochen nur von 1942 bis 1945 durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg, werden jährlich an vier schottischen Universitäten je eine Vorlesungsreihe zu Themen der Naturwissenschaften in Verbindung mit Philosophie gehalten. Diese Vorlesungen sind heute bekannt als Gifford Lectures. Der Urheber, Adam Gifford (1820 bis 1887), verband mit diesen Vorlesungen ein sehr spezielles Ziel. Das ist hier kurz vorgestellt.
Ideengeschichtlicher Hintergrund
Lord Gifford stellte einen großen Teil seines Erbes zur Ausstattung einer Vorlesungsreihe zu naturphilosophischen Themen zur Verfügung. In seinem sehr ausführlichen Testament aus dem Jahr 1885[1] stellte er einige Bedingungen. Diese werden verständlich, wenn man den ideengeschichtlichen Hintergrund seiner Zeit betrachtet. Im Jahr 1782 wurde in Europa die letzte vermeintliche Hexe hingerichtet. Doch spätestens seit der Zeit Napoleons wurde die Macht der Kirche in vielen Ländern stark eingeschränkt und es wurde eine weitgehende Trennung von Staat und Kirche (Laizismus) eingeführt. Gleichzeitig erhoben die Naturwissenschaften immer lauter den Anspruch, letztendliche Grundwahrheiten der Welt besser erkennen zu können als kirchliche Institutionen. In Großbritannien beispielsweise entzündete sich der Streit zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft laut hörbar an Darwins Evolutionstheorie, die im Jahr 1859 veröffentlicht wurde. In Deutschland stritten von 1871 bis 1878 der deutsche Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck und der Papst Pius IX über den politischen Einfluss der Kirche im Staat. Kann zum Beispiel eine Eheschließung gültig sein, ohne den Segen der Kirche? Im Jahr 1879 schließlich veröffentlichte der Papst ein offizielles Schreiben, in dem er den Vorrang der Offenbarung, das heißt der Bibel, vor jeder anderen Quelle von Wahrheit unmissverständlich festlegte[2]. Siehe dazu den Artikel Aeterni patris ↗
Gottesglaube als Forschungsfrage
Adam Gifford wollte eine Erkenntnis Gottes fördern, "ein Wissen von Gott, dem Unendlichen, das Alles, der erste und einzige Grund, die einzig und alleinige Substanz, das einzige Wesen, die einzige Realität, die einzige Existenz, das Wissen um sein Wesen und seine Eigenschaften, das Wissen über die Beziehung der Menschen und des Universums zu ihm, das Wissen über das Wesen und die Grundlage von Ethik und Moral, und über alle Zwänge und Pflichten die daraus erwachsen."
Im englischen Original Giffords Testament: "Natural Theology,’ in the widest sense of that term, in other words, ‘The Knowledge of God, the Infinite, the All, the First and Only Cause, the One and the Sole Substance, the Sole Being, the Sole Reality, and the Sole Existence, the Knowledge of His Nature and Attributes, the Knowledge of the Relations which men and the whole universe bear to Him, the Knowledge of the Nature and Foundation of Ethics or Morals, and of all Obligations and Duties thence arising’."
Konfession als Entbehrlichkeit
Wenn das Ziel die Erkenntnis von Gott war, so wollte Gifford doch keinerlei Glaubensrichtung bevorzugen. Ausdrücklich wies er jede Forderung nach einer konfessionellen Zugehörigkeit, ja überhaupt nach einem Glauben an Gott zurück. Wichtig waren alleine die Eignung der Referenten und ihr ehrlicher Wille, nach der Wahrheit zu suchen.
Im englischen Original von Lord Giffords Testament: "The lecturers appointed shall be subjected to no test of any kind, and shall not be required to take any oath, or to emit or subscribe any declaration of belief, or to make any promise of any kind; they may be of any denomination whatever, or of no denomination at all (and many earnest and high-minded men prefer to belong to no ecclesiastical denomination); they may be of any religion or way of thinking, or as is sometimes said, they may be of no religion, or they may be so-called sceptics or agnostics or freethinkers, provided only that the ‘patrons’ will use diligence to secure that they be able, reverent men, true thinkers, sincere lovers of and earnest inquirers after truth."
Offenbarungsglaube als Hinderungsgrund
Eine wichtige Bedingung für Gifford, dass zur Begründung von Argumenten (reliance) kein Bezug (reference) genommen werden darf auf irgendeine Form einer Offenbarung (revelation). Damit wandte sich Gifford unmissverständlich gegen die nur sechs Jahr zuvor veröffentlichte Schrift Aeterni patris des Papstes. Dieser hatte die Offenbarung wörtlich genannt und den Vorrang der Offenbarung (Bibel) vor jeder anderer Erkenntnisquelle festgelegt.
Im englischen Original von Lord Giffords Testament: "I wish the lecturers to treat their subject as a strictly natural science, the greatest of all possible sciences, indeed, in one sense, the only science, that of Infinite Being, without reference to or reliance upon any supposed special exceptional or so-called miraculous revelation. I wish it considered just as astronomy or chemistry is."
Liste der gehaltenen Vorträge seit 1888
Die Gifford Lectures sollten ursprünglich der schottischen Bevölkerung (the whole population of Scotland) dienen. Die hohe Qualifikation der Vortragenden und die Auswahl der Themen machten die Lectures aber bald weltweit bekannt. Die Breite der Themen und die Qualität der Referenten wird in der folgenden Liste der Vorträge seit 1888 deutlich.
- 1888-91 E.B. Tylor The Natural History of Religion
- 1888–92 Friedrich Max Müller 1888: Natural Religion vol. 1 & 2; 1890: Physical Religion; 1891: Anthropological Religion: 1892: Theosophy or Psychological Religion
- 1889-90 Andrew Lang The Making of Religion[8]
- 1891 George Gabriel Stokes: Natural Theology. Siehe auch George Gabriel Stokes ↗
- 1892–96 John Caird: The Fundamental Ideas of Christianity Vol.1&2
- 1894–96 Lewis Campbell: Religion in Greek Literature
- 1896–98 Alexander Balmain Bruce: The Moral Order of the World, The Providential Order of the World
- 1896–98 Cornelis Tiele: On the Elements of the Science of Religion, ISBN 0-404-60480-3
- 1896–98 James Ward: Naturalism and Agnosticism
- 1898–00 Josiah Royce: The World and the Individual
- 1900–02 William James: The Varieties of Religious Experience, ISBN 0-679-64011-8. Siehe auch William James ↗
- 1902–04 Richard Haldane: The Pathway to Reality, ISBN 0-404-60459-5
- 1904–06 James Adam: The Religious Teachers of Greece
- 1907–08 Hans Driesch: The Science and Philosophy of the Organism
- 1909–10 William Warde Fowler: The Religious Experience of the Roman People, ISBN 0-8154-0372-0
- 1910-12 John Watson: The Interpretation of Religious Experience
- 1911–12 Bernard Bosanquet: The Principle of Individuality and Value, ISBN 0-527-10036-6
- 1911–13 Andrew Seth: Pringle-Pattison The Idea of God in the light of Recent Philosophy
- 1913–14 Henri Bergson: The Problem of Personality
- 1914 Arthur Balfour: Theism and Humanism ISBN 1-58742-005-8
- 1914–15 William Ritchie: Sorley Moral Values and the Idea of God
- 1915–16 William Mitchell: Ramsay Asianic Elements in Greek Civilization, ISBN 0-89005-173-9
- 1916–18 Samuel Alexander: Space, Time, and Deity, volume one: ISBN 0-7661-8701-2, volume two: ISBN 0-7661-8702-0
- 1917–18 William R. Inge: The Philosophy of Plotinus, ISBN 1-59244-284-6
- 1919–20 Lewis Richard: Farnell Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality
- 1919–21 George Stout: Mind and Matter pub. 1931
- 1921–22 C. Lloyd Morgan: Emergent Evolution (1923) ISBN 0-404-60468-4, and Life, Mind, and Spirit (1925)
- 1921–23 Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison: Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, ISBN 0-404-60474-9
- 1922 Arthur Balfour: Theism and Thought
- 1923–25 James George Frazer: The Worship of Nature ISBN 1-56459-532-3
- 1926-28 Alfred Edward Taylor: The faith of a moralist, The Theological Implications of Morality; Natural Theology and the Positive Religions (1930)
- 1926–27 Arthur Eddington: The Nature of the Physical World, ISBN 0-472-06015-5. Auf Deutsch veröffentlicht als Das Weltbild der Physik und ein Versuch seiner philosophischen Deutung ↗
- 1927–28 Alfred North Whitehead: Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology, ISBN 0-02-934570-7. Siehe auch Alfred North Whitehead ↗
- 1927–28 J. S. Haldane: The Sciences and Philosophy, ISBN 0-404-60479-X
- 1928–29 John Dewey: The Quest for Certainty: A Study of the Relation of Knowledge and Action, ISBN 1-4179-0845-9
- 1929-30 Charles Gore: The Philosophy of the Good Life (1930)
- 1930–32 Etienne Gilson: The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy
- 1932–34 William Temple: Nature, Man and God
- 1934–35 Albert Schweitzer: The Problem of Natural Theology and Natural Ethics (unpublished)
- 1936–37 Werner Jaeger: The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers (1936)
- 1936–38 Karl Barth: The Knowledge of God and the Service of God according to the Teaching of the Reformation
- 1937–38 Charles Sherrington: Man on His Nature, ISBN 0-521-06436-8
- 1938–40 Reinhold Niebuhr: The Nature and Destiny of Man: A Christian Interpretation , (2 vol set): ISBN 0-664-25709-7
- 1939–40 Arthur Darby Nock: Hellenistic Religion - The Two Phases
- 1947–49 Christopher Dawson: part 1:Religion and Culture ISBN 0-404-60498-6 part 2: Religion and the Rise of Western Culture (1950) ISBN 0-385-42110-9
- 1949–50 Gabriel Marcel: The Mystery of Being ISBN 1-890318-85-X, Faith and Reality ISBN 1-890318-86-8
- 1949–50 Niels Bohr: Causality and Complementarity: Epistemological Lessons of Studies in Atomic Physics, ISBN 1-881987-14-0. Siehe auch Niels Bohr ↗
- 1950–52 Charles Earle Raven: Natural Religion and Christian Theology
- 1951–52 Michael Polanyi: Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy, ISBN 0-226-67288-3
- 1952–53 Arnold J. Toynbee: An Historian's Approach to Religion, ISBN 0-19-215260-2
- 1952–54 John Macmurray: The Form of the Personal vol 1: The Self as Agent ISBN 1-57392-337-0 vol 2: Persons in Relation ISBN 1-57392-625-6
- 1953-55 C. A. Campbell: On Selfhood and Godhood
- 1953–54 Paul Tillich: Systematic Theology (3 vols.): ISBN 0-226-80337-6, ISBN 0-226-80338-4, ISBN 0-226-80339-2
- 1954–55 Rudolf Bultmann: History and Eschatology: The Presence of Eternity, ISBN 0-8371-8123-2
- 1955–56 Werner Heisenberg: Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science, ISBN 1-57392-694-9. Siehe auch Werner Heisenberg ↗
- 1959 Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker: The Relevance of Science. Siehe auch Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker ↗
- 1961–62 John Baillie: The Sense of the Presence of God
- 1962–64 Henry Chadwick: Authority in the Early Church
- 1963, 1965 Alister Hardy The Living Stream, The Divine Flame
- 1964–66 John Findlay The Discipline of the Cave (1966), and The Transcendence of the Cave (1967) ISBN 978-0-04-111002-9
- 1965 Herbert Butterfield: Historical Writing and Christian Beliefs and Human Beliefs and the Development of Historical Writing[6]
- 1965–1967 Raymond Aron: La Conscience historique dans la pensée et dans l'action
- 1967–69 Robert Charles Zaehner: Concordant Discord. The Interdependence of Faiths. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1970.
- 1970 Richard William Southern: The Rise and Fall of the Medieval System of Religious Thought
- 1970-71 Eric Lionel Mascall: The Openness of Being. ISBN 0-232-51159-4
- 1972–73 Alfred Ayer: The Central Questions of Philosophy, ISBN 0-03-013116-2
- 1973 Hannah Arendt: Life of the Mind. Siehe auch Hannah Arendt ↗
- 1973–74 Owen Chadwick: The Secularisation of the European Mind in the 19th Century, ISBN 0-521-39829-0
- 1974-76 Basil Mitchell: Morality, Religious and Secular
- 1974–76 Stanley Jaki: The Road of Science and the Ways to God, ISBN 0-226-39145-0
- 1975–77 Reijer Hooykaas: Fact, Faith and Fiction in the Development of Science
- 1977–78 David Stafford-Clark: Myth, Magic and Denial
- 1978–79 Sir John Eccles: The Human Mystery, The Human Psyche, ISBN 0-387-09954-9. Siehe auch John Carew Eccles ↗
- 1979-80 Frederick Copleston: ‘Religion and the One: Philosophies East and West’
- 1979–80 Ninian Smart: "The Varieties of Religious Identity", published as Beyond Ideology: Religion and the Future of Western Civilisation, ISBN 0-06-067402-4
- 1980–81 Gregory Vlastos Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher
- 1980–81 Seyyed Hossein Nasr: Knowledge and the Sacred, ISBN 0-7914-0177-4
- 1981 Stephen R. L. Clark: From Athens to Jerusalem
- 1981–82 Iris Murdoch: Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals, ISBN 0-14-017232-7
- 1982–83 Donald Geoffrey Charlton: New Images of the Natural, 1750-1800
- 1982–84 Richard Swinburne: The Evolution of the Soul, ISBN 0-19-823698-0
- 1983–84 David Daiches: God and the Poets, ISBN 0-19-812825-8
- 1983–84 John Macquarrie: In Search of Deity
- 1984–85 Adolf Grunbaum: Psychoanalytic Theory and Science
- 1984–85 Freeman Dyson: Infinite In All Directions, ISBN 0-06-072889-2
- 1984–85 Jurgen Moltmann: God in Creation: A New Theology of Creation and the Spirit of God, ISBN 0-8006-2823-3
- 1985 Carl Sagan: The Search for Who We Are, published in 2006 as The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God, ISBN 1-59420-107-2. Siehe auch Carl Sagan ↗
- 1985–86 Paul Ricoeur: Oneself as another. ISBN 0-226-71329-6
- 1986 Donald M. MacKay: Behind the Eye
- 1986–87 Antony Flew: The Logic of Mortality
- 1986–87 John Hick: An Interpretation of Religion, (2nd ed.): ISBN 0-300-10668-8
- 1987–88 Alasdair MacIntyre: Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry: ISBN 0-7156-2337-0
- 1988 Don Cupitt: Nature and Culture
- 1988 Richard Dawkins: Worlds in Microcosm. Siehe auch Richard Dawkins ↗
- 1988–89 Raimon Panikkar: Trinity and Theism: ISBN 978-1-57075-855-3
- 1988–89 Walter Burkert: Tracks of Biology and the Creation of Sense
- 1989–90 Mary Douglas: Claims on God: published (much revised) as In the Wilderness: ISBN 1-85075-444-6
- 1989–91 Ian Barbour: Religion in an Age of Science, ISBN 0-06-060383-6
- 1990–91 Hilary Putnam: Renewing Philosophy
- 1991–92 Annemarie Schimmel: Deciphering the Signs of God: A Phenomenological Approach to Islam: ISBN 978-0791419823
- 1992 Mary Warnock: Imagination and Understanding, published as Imagination and Time, ISBN 0-631-19019-8
- 1992-3 Martha C. Nussbaum: Upheavals of Thought: A Theory of the Emotions. Published 2001 Cambridge University Press.
- 1992–93 Arthur Peacocke: Nature, God and Humanity
- 1992–93 Jaroslav Pelikan: Christianity and Classical Culture: The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter With Hellenism, ISBN 0-300-06255-9
- 1992–93 Roger Penrose: The Question of Physical Reality. Siehe auch Roger Penrose ↗
- 1993–94 John Polkinghorne: Science and Christian Belief: Theological Reflections of a Bottom-up Thinker, ISBN 0-281-04714-6
- 1993–94 Keith Ward: Religion and Revelation ISBN 978-0-19-826375-3
- 1994–95 Alexander Broadie: The Shadow of Scotus
- 1994–95 James H. Burns: The Order of Nature
- 1994–95 John W. Rogerson: Faith and Criticism in the Work of William Robertson Smith, 1846-1894
- 1994–95 M. A. Stewart: New Light and Enlightenment
- 1994–95 Peter Jones: Science and Religion before and after Hume
- 1995 Nicholas Wolterstorff: Thomas Reid and the Story of Epistemology
- 1995–96 G. A. Cohen: If you're an Egalitarian, how come you're so Rich?, published by Harvard University Press under the same title: ISBN 0-674-00693-3
- 1995–96 Geoffrey Cantor and John Hedley Brooke: Reconstructing Nature
- 1996–97 Michael Dummett: Thought and Reality
- 1996–97 Richard Sorabji: Emotions and How to Cope with Them, published as Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation, ISBN 0-19-825005-3
- 1997–98 Holmes Rolston: III Genes, Genesis and God, ISBN 0-521-64674-X
- 1997–98 R. J. Berry: Gods, Genes, Greens and Everything
- 1997–98 Russell Stannard: The God Experiment
- 1998–99 Charles Taylor: Living in a Secular Age, published as A Secular Age: ISBN 0-674-02676-4
- 1999 Marilyn McCord Adams: The Coherence of Christology
- 1999 Robert Merrihew Adams: God and Being
- 1999–00 Ralph McInerny: Characters in Search of Their Author
- 1999–2000 David Tracy: This side of God
- 2000–01 John S. Habgood: The Concept of Nature
- 2000–01 Onora O'Neill: Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics
- 2001 Brian Hebblethwaite, George Lakoff, Lynne Baker, Michael Ruse & Philip Johnson-Laird: The Nature and Limits of Human Understanding
- 2001–02 Mohammed Arkoun: Inaugurating a Critique of Islamic Reason
- 2001–02 Stanley Hauerwas: With the Grain of the Universe: The Church's Witness and Natural Theology, ISBN 1-58743-016-9
- 2002–03 Michael Ignatieff: The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror, ISBN 0-691-11751-9
- 2002–03 Peter van Inwagen: The Problem of Evil, ISBN 978-0-19-954397-7
- 2003 Eleonore Stump: Wandering in the Darkness
- 2003–04 J. Wentzel van Huyssteen: Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology, ISBN 0-8028-3246-6
- 2003–04 John Haldane: Mind, Soul and Deity
- 2003–04 Simon Blackburn: Reason's Empire
- 2004–05 Alvin Plantinga: Science and Religion: Conflict or Concord
- 2004–05 Dame Margaret Anstee, Stephen Toulmin, and Noam Chomsky: Delivering a series of lectures dedicated to Edward Said who was scheduled to give the 2004–05 series before his death in 2003.
- 2005 Lenn Goodman, Abdulaziz Sachedina, John E. Hare: Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself
- 2005–06 Jean Bethke Elshtain: Sovereign God, Sovereign State, Sovereign Self
- 2006–07 Simon Conway Morris: Darwin 's Compass: How Evolution Discovers the Song of Creation and Jonathan Riley-Smith The Crusades and Christianity
- 2007 Martin Rees: 21st Century Science: Cosmic Perspective and Terrestrial Challenges
- 2007 Stephen Pattison: Seeing Things: Deepening Relations with Visual Artefacts, ISBN 978-0-334-04149-8
- 2007–08 Alexander Nehamas: "Because it was he, because it was I": Friendship and Its Place in Life
- 2007–08 David Fergusson: Religion and Its Recent Critics published as Faith and Its Critics: A Conversation, ISBN 978-0-19-956938-0
- 2008 Robert M. Veatch: Hipprocratic, Religious and Secular Medical Ethics: The Point of Conflict
- 2008–09 Charles Taylor: The Necessity of Secularist Regimes [May 2009]
- 2008–09 Diana Eck: The Age of Pluralism [April–May 2009]
- 2009 Alister McGrath: A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology, ISBN 978-0-664-23310-5
- 2009–10 Gianni Vattimo: The End of Reality
- 2009–10 Michael Gazzaniga: Mental Life [October 2009]
- 2009–10 Terry Eagleton: The God Debate [March 2010]
- 2010 Roger Scruton: The Face of God
- 2010–11 Professor Peter Harrison: Science, Religion and the Modern World, published as The Territories of Science and Religion ISBN 978-0226184487
- 2010–11 Rt Hon Gordon Brown: The Future of Jobs and Justice
- 2011–12 Lord Sutherland: of Houndwood David Hume and Civil Society
- 2011–12 Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch: Silence in Christian History: the witness of Holmes' Dog. In 2012 the Gifford Lectures also supported a one-off joint lecture between the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics, Jim Al-Khalili Alan Turing: Legacy of a Code Breaker
- 2012 Denis Alexander: Genes, Determinism and God
- 2012 Sarah Coakley: Sacrifice Regained: Evolution, Cooperation and God
- 2012 Vilayanur Ramachandran: Body and Mind: Insights from Neuroscience
- 2012–13 Bruno Latour: Once Out of Nature - Natural Religion as a Pleonasm
- 2012–13 Steven Pinker: The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity
- 2013–14 Baroness Onora O'Neill: From Toleration to Freedom of Expression
- 2013–14 Justice Catherine O'Regan: What is Caesar's? Adjudicating faith in modern constitutional democracies
- 2013–14 Lord Rowan Williams of Oystermouth: Making representations: religious faith and the habits of language
- 2014 David N. Livingstone: Dealing with Darwin: Place, Politics and Rhetoric in Religious Engagements with Evolution, ISBN 978-1-421-41326-6
- 2014 Jean-Luc Marion: Givenness and Revelation
- 2014–15 Professor Helga Nowotny: Beyond Innovation. Temporalities. Re-use. Emergence.
- 2014–15 Professor Jeremy Waldron: One Another's Equals: The Basis of Human Equality
- 2015 Linda Zagzebski Exemplarist: Virtue Theory published as Exemplarist Moral Theory ISBN 978-0-19-065584-6
- 2015 Perry Schmidt-Leukel: Interreligious Theology: The Future Shape of Theology
- 2015–16 Kathryn Tanner: Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism
- 2016 Mona Siddiqui: Struggle, Suffering and Hope: Explorations in Islamic and Christian Traditions, ISBN 978-1-316-51854-0
- 2016 Sean M. Carroll: The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself
- 2016–17 Professor Jeffrey: Stout Religion Unbound: Ideals and Powers from Cicero to King
- 2016–17 Professor Richard: English Nationalism, Terrorism and Religion
- 2017 David Novak: Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature, ISBN 978-1-487-50617-9
- 2017 Michael Rea: Though the Darkness Hide Thee: Seeking the Face of the Invisible God
- 2017–18 Professor Dr Agustín: Fuentes Why We Believe: evolution, making meaning, and the development of human natures
- 2017–18 Professor Elaine Howard: Ecklund Science and Religion in Global Public Life
- 2018 Judith Butler: My Life, Your Life: Equality and the Philosophy of Non-Violence
- 2018 N. T. Wright: Discerning the Dawn: History, Eschatology and New Creation, published as History and Eschatology: Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology, 2019, ISBN 978-1-4813-0962-2
- 2018–19 Professor Mary Beard: The Ancient World and Us: From Fear and Loathing to Enlightenment and Ethics
- 2019 Mark Johnston: Ontotheology as Antidote for Idolatry
- 2019 Mark Pagel: Wired for Culture: The Origins of the Human Social Mind, or Why Humans Occupied the World
- 2019–20 Professor Michael Welker: In God's Image: Anthropology
- [1] Sir Adam Gifford: Lord Adam Gifford’s Will. August 1885.
- [2] Papst Leo XIII: Rundschreiben Aeterni Patris über die Erneuerung der Wissenschaft auf der Grundlage der philosophischen Prinzipien des heiligen Thomas von Aquin. 4. August 1879. Siehe auch Aeterni patris ↗