Newtons Lichtäther
Isaac Newton gab die Entfernung der Sonne zur Erde mit 70 Millionen englischen Meilen an. Hier ist ein Original-Zitat dazu aus Newtons Opticks aus dem Jahr 1704.
Newton über seinen Lichtäther: "Qu. 22. May not Planets and Comets, and all gross Bodies, perform their Motions more freely, and with less resistance in this Æthereal Medium than in any Fluid, which fills all Space adequately without leaving any Pores, and by consequence is much denser than Quick-silver or Gold? And may not its resistance be so small, as to be inconsiderable? For instance; If this Æther (for so I will call it) should be supposed 700000 times more elastick than our Air, and above 700000 times more rare; its resistance would be above 600,000,000 times less than that of Water. And so small a resistance would scarce make any sensible alteration in the Motions of the Planets [Pg 353] in ten thousand Years. If any one would ask how a Medium can be so rare, let him tell me how the Air, in the upper parts of the Atmosphere, can be above an hundred thousand thousand times rarer than Gold. Let him also tell me, how an electrick Body can by Friction emit an Exhalation so rare and subtile, and yet so potent, as by its Emission to cause no sensible Diminution of the weight of the electrick Body, and to be expanded through a Sphere, whose Diameter is above two Feet, and yet to be able to agitate and carry up Leaf Copper, or Leaf Gold, at the distance of above a Foot from the electrick Body? And how the Effluvia of a Magnet can be so rare and subtile, as to pass through a Plate of Glass without any Resistance or Diminution of their Force, and yet so potent as to turn a magnetick Needle beyond the Glass?"
- [1] Isaac Newton: Opticks. First published in 1704: The Third Book of Opticks Part I.
- Die Äthertheorie wurde im 19ten Jahrhundert intensiv diskutiert.
- Wiederlegt wurde sie in einem Versuch von Michelson und Morley.
- Mehr dazu unter Lichtäther ↗