Newtons Polarisation
Isaac Newton beschreibt wie sich Lichtstrahlen auf unerklärliche Weise unterschiedlich brechen, je nachdem welche Längsseite (Coast) der Strahlen zur Wirkung kommen.
Originalzitat aus dem Jahr 1704
„Every ray of light has therefore two opposite sides… And since the Crystal by this Disposition or Virtue does not act upon the Rays, unless when one of their Sides of unusual Refraction looks towards that Coast, this argues a Virtue or Disposition in those Sides of the Rays, which answers to, and sympathizes with that Virtue or Disposition of the Crystal, as the Poles of two Magnets answer to one another.“[1] Siehe auch Polarisation ↗
- [1] Isaac Newton: Opticks. First published in 1704: The Third Book of Opticks Part I. Pages 361 to 374.