WH54 Fachwortlexikon
Lernwerkstatt Aachen GbR
Mathematik | Physik | Chemie


... heißt auf English: to compare

In maths if you are told to compare to (or more) numbers you can often answer in one of the following ways:

-> You say which number is how much greater or smaller than the other number
-> You say which number is many times as big as the other number.
-> You say which number is what fraction of the other number.

Deutsch: Die 15 ist 10 mehr als 5.
English: 15 is 10 more than 5.

Deutsch: Die 15 ist dreimal so groß wie die 5.
English: 15 is three times as much as 5.

Deutsch: Die 5 ist ein Drittel von der 15.
English: 5 is one third of 15.

© Sabine & Gunter Heim, 2020